About the Journal
About the Journal

Harvest an International Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Research Journal which aims to endorse modern research in all fields by providing a platform for quality research. We uphold equal importance to conceptual and research articles concerning new issues in and for debate. Fresh insights in to new academic, Sociology, History, Environmental, Psychological, Political Science, Commerce, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Humanities, Physical Education, Scientific, Engineering, Technology, Science, Law, Literature, Linguistics, and all disciplines and all Languages. We promote highly interpretive criticism with innovative scope for the best of research in higher education. Harvest journal publishes your articles free of cost and so expecting global excellence.

Title Harvest - an International Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Research Journal
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN ---
Publisher Dr. R.S Regin Silvest
Chief Editor Dr. Shubhra Jamwal
Copyright Dr. R.S Regin Silvest
Starting Year 2021
Subject Multidisciplinary and Multilingual
Language Multiple Languages
Publication Format Online
Phone No. 9442818648
Email Id reginsilvest@gmail.com
Mobile No. 9442818648
Website https://www.harvestjournal.org/
Address 2-15-15, kuzhiodial Vilai,Edicode Post, Kanyakumari- 629152, Tamil Nadu, South India.